Naval Reserve Officer Training (NAVS)


Units: 3

A general introduction to the naval profession and to concepts of seapower. Instruction emphasizes the mission, organization, and warfare components of the Navy and Marine Corps. Included is an overview of officer and enlisted ranks, training and education, and career patterns. The course also covers ethics, basic leadership skills, naval courtesies and customs, military justice, and nomenclature. This course exposes the student to the professional competencies required to become a naval officer.


Units: 3

A historical survey of United States naval history from the American Revolution to the present with emphasis on major developments. The course also treats present-day concerns in seapower and maritime affairs including the economic and political issues of merchant marine commerce, the law of the sea, and a comparison of United States and other foreign naval strategies. Each era covered will be analyzed by evaluating the significance of the following: 1) strategy and tactics; 2) leadership; 3) technological advancements; 4) inter-service relations; 5) naval doctrine, 6) foreign policy; and, 7) Congressional relations.


Units: 3

The theme of the course is the “Naval officer as a leader, manager, and organizational decision-maker.” The course will begin with modules on ethics and integrity, progress through management theory and practical functions of management, and culminate with a module on leadership. Lectures, reading assignments, films, discussions, exercises, interviews, and student presentations provide students with an excellent opportunity to wrestle with complex ethical, managerial, and leadership issues. The goal of this course is for students to begin to develop a sound personal leadership philosophy that will enable them to more effectively accomplish both personal and professional goals.


Units: 3

An in-depth study in the theory, principles, and procedures of ship navigation and maneuvering. Students learn piloting, navigation, and maneuvering to include the use of charts, visual and electronic aids, theory and operation of magnetic and gyro compasses, relative-motion vector analysis theory, formation tactics, and ship employment. Practical skills in plotting and piloting are stressed. International and inland rules of the nautical road, naval operations and operations analysis, applied aspects of ship handling, and afloat communications are also studied. Additionally, leadership traits in the themes of communication, counseling, and conflict resolution as they relate to safe navigation and ship movement will be developed. Other topics include tides, currents, effects of wind and weather, use of navigation instruments, celestial navigation, and the characteristics of electronic navigation.


Units: 3

A detailed study of ship characteristics and types including hull, electrical, and auxiliary systems. Principles of stability and damage control are also covered. Advantages and disadvantages of steam, gas turbine, and diesel propulsion engines and their operation receive in-depth study. Leadership topics as they apply in an engineering setting are discussed.


Units: 3

This course outlines the theory and employment of naval weapons systems. Topics of discussion include radars, gun and missile systems, underwater direction and tracking, and basic naval ordinance. Case studies of weapon systems employment are covered, with emphasis on accountability.


Units: 3

This course traces the development of warfare from the dawn of recorded history to the present, focusing on the impact of major military theorists, strategies, tacticians, and technological developments. The student acquires a basic sense of strategy, develops an understanding of military alternatives, and sees the impact of historical precedent on military thought and actions.


Units: 3

An in-depth study of inland and international laws and systems of regulations that govern conduct of vessels in national waters and on the high seas. The basic forms of naval communications will be covered, as well as the basic terms and procedures associated with replenishment at sea (UNREP). Extensive discussions on the interrelationship between authority, responsibility, and accountability within an organization. Students will be challenged with demonstrating, in officer leadership situations, an understanding of the influence on a leader’s ability to achieve organizational goals.


Units: 3

Leadership and Ethics is the capstone course of the NROTC academic curriculum and provides senior midshipmen and officer candidates with some of the tools necessary to be effective junior officers. We emphasize values and the ethical foundations of leadership. Philosophical interpretation and dialog will be used extensively throughout the course. The course is organized into two modules of study. The first module is about ethical foundations and philosophies. The second module explores military law and moral/religious issues. Recommend taking NAVS 201 – Leadership and Management prior to this course.


Units: 3 Repeatability: Yes (Can be repeated for Credit)

This course prepares future military officers and other leaders for service by studying modern tactical principles, current military developments, and other aspects of warfare. The interaction between modern tactical principles as well as current military developments and their influence on maneuver warfare doctrine are discussed. There is a specific focus on the United States Marine Corps as the premier maneuver warfighting organization. Study also includes historical influences on tactical, operational, and strategic levels of maneuver warfare practices in the current and future operating environments.